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VET (Vocational Education and Training)

Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to senior school studies, which enable a secondary student to combine their VCE or VCE VM studies with vocational training. VET is usually a two-year program combining general VCE / VCE VM studies with accredited vocational education and training. It enables students to complete a nationally recognised vocational qualification (e.g., Certificate II in Community Services) and VCE or VCE VM at the same time. It provides the opportunity to trial a career and helps students explore possible areas of interest which will lead to further study and better work choices. A VET in Schools program is usually made up of VCE VET units that are delivered at the student’s school, another school within the Wyndham VET Cluster, or at TAFE.


VET allows students to go directly into employment or receive credit towards further TAFE study. VET matches student interest and career directions through the provision of strong pathways. Important industry specific skills and workplace skills are learnt through the VET program. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a nationally accredited vocational training certificate.


- Broadens VCE/ VCE VM options. - Develops the student's capacity to make decisions and solve problems. - Helps students to gain confidence and improve communication and interpersonal skills through learning in an adult environment. - Matches student interest and career directions through the provision of strong pathways.


VET is fully incorporated into the VCE. Key features include: - VET programs usually have a Unit 1 - 4 structure. - Of the 16 units that make up the VCE, a number can be VET units. - VET programs contribute directly to the ATAR with a study score derived from scored assessment OR as 10% increment as a 5th or 6th subject. However, in some instances there is nil contribution towards ATAR when Units are at 1 and 2 level only.


- Upon successful completion of the program, students maybe awarded a nationally accredited vocational training certificate. - VET qualifications articulate directly into further education and training at TAFE and may allow the student credits for higher certificates. - VET provides access to a range of different technologies related to the workplace


- VET Prepares Students for the Workforce - Expands post school opportunities. - Provides the opportunity to trial a career. Helps students explore possible areas of interest, which promote further study and work choices. - Allows students to develop strong links with industry and local community employers. Students may be offered part time or casual work. - Improves employment prospects. - Helps students gain knowledge of employer's expectations and real working conditions. - Develops student’s capacity for co-operation, teamwork and leadership skill development. - Assists the transition from school to work


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