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Certificate Code:

AHC 20116


21316 - ACAH

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)

Strongly recommended

The VCAA strongly recommends a minimum of 80 hrs (2 weeks) of structured workplace learning over the duration of the VCE VET program.

Course Description

Certificate II is regarded as an entry-level course. This qualification provides a general vocational outcome in agriculture. The qualification enables individuals to select a livestock production or cropping context as a job focus or, in the case of mixed farming enterprises, both. A farm tradesperson is an experienced farmhand and is likely to be involved in co-ordinating a wide range of agricultural operations. Work undertaken as a farm tradesperson will depend on the type of farm production carried out, and includes:

• planting and harvesting crops

• implementing animal and crop husbandry practices

• servicing and repairing farm equipment and


• designing and constructing fencing

• loading and unloading livestock

• installing and maintaining farm water supplies and

irrigation systems

Career Pathways

No available pathways are given for this certificate.

Program Requirements

No additional requirements are given for this certificate.

Contribution to VCE


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