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Textiles - Fashion Fundamentals

What's it all about?

Students develop their knowledge of how to design and the vocabulary and skills associated with the making of clothes. Students experience a range of techniques needed to produce garments. This then enables them to evaluate suitability of materials, techniques and design of products to suit the function.

What type of things will I do?

Hand sew, machine sewing and tie dying.

What will I learn?
  • Hand and machine sewing skills

  • Tie dying process to create clothing

  • Develop skills in making informed choices about the appropriateness of materials

  • Design of functional products

What are the possible pathways?  

University and TAFE courses in Textiles, Fashion, Visual Merchandising.




Textiles – Fashion Fundamentals


Fashion Textiles Textiles Design

YEAR 11 - 12

Product Design and Technology – Textiles VET Certificate II in Applied Fashion

Why choose this subject?
  • I am interested in pursuing a career in Fashion Design or Design industries that use textiles as a medium.

  • I want to learn about surface embellishment.

  • I enjoy stencilling.

  • I want to learn how to sew and use a sewing machine.

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