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What's it all about?

The music course is designed to develop the intellectual, aesthetic and cultural understanding of the value and importance of music. Through creating, interpreting and analysing works, students will learn about and apply musicianship. Students will enhance already existing musical skills through performance. The focus for this subject will be performance, aural comprehension/analysis and theory, composition and use of technology.

What type of things will I do?

Develop instrumental skills, Rehearse, Plan and Prepare for performances.

What will I learn?
  • Language of music:   pitch, duration, dynamics, volume, tempo, tone colour, instrumentation, tonality, articulation.

  • Music principles and/or conventions

  • Features of music such as: voice, instruments, objects, body percussion, recorded sounds, technologies for recording, sequencing and manipulation of sounds

  • Technologies for presenting performances: eg. Microphones, speakers

What are the possible pathways?  

Advertising/jingle writer, Arranger, Composer, Conductor, Entertainer, Musician (singer or instrumentalist), Music Director, Music Programmer/Sampler, Music Software Designer, Music Teacher, Music Therapist, Orchestra Musician, Sound Engineer.






Music Music Industry

YEAR 11-12

Music Performance VET Certificate III in Music Performance VET Certificate III in Music Sound Production

Why choose this subject?
  • I love listening to and playing music.

  • I would like to learn more of the craft of composing, writing and recording original music.

  • I am interested in how music is composed.

  • I am interested in how sound can have an effect on anaudience.

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