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Physics Advantage

What's it all about?

Physics is a pre-requisite area for many tertiary science fields, and this area has experienced growth over the last couple of years.

In the jump from Year 10 to Year 11, many students are initially overwhelmed at the increased level of academic rigour and sophisticated thinking that is required. This unit is designed to bridge the gap between Years 10 and year 11 allow students to enrich their studies in Physics.

Students also particularly require numeracy support and practice to succeed in all senior sciences; this unit will focus on those necessary numeracy skills.

This elective will also support general science principles of experimental design, data analysis and safe laboratory practices, all of which are a focus in VCE and IB curriculum.

What type of things will I do?

Use laboratory equipment appropriately, develop research, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, design and conduct experiments.

What will I learn?


  • Investigating Electric Circuits

  • Application of motion

What can this lead to?

University and TAFE courses in Physical Sciences, Engineering, Robotics and AI, Astronomy and Space, Lasers and photonics, Climate Science and Meteorology. 


YEAR                               COURSES OFFERED 

YEAR 10                             Science (core) 

                                            Physics Advantage (elective) 

YEAR 11                             VCE Physics

                                           IB Physics

YEAR 12                             VCE Physics 

                                          IB Physics  

Why choose this subject?

Choose this subject if you are considering Physics in either VCE or IB. It is designed to allow current students to move beyond the Year 10 curriculum and gain a head start on Senior Physics. This elective does not replace Year 10 core science or Year 11 Physics but does provide students an opportunity to determine if they wish to continue with Physics at a senior level.

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