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Health and Human Relations (HHR) & Physical Education (PE)

Student develop their understanding of a variety of community health and social issues. Topics include: relationships, risk taking behaviours, cyber safety and sexual education and respectful Relationships. Students gain an understanding of the impact of various relationships, the importance of making positive risk-taking decisions, the negative outcomes of poor risk-taking decisions and identify how to be safe when online. Students also gain an understanding of puberty and the reproductive anatomy, contraceptive methods and STI’s, also identifying how to prevent both pregnancy and STI’s.

Physical education aims for students to develop and maintain a basic level of physical fitness. They perform motor skills, which are appropriate to specific games, activities and sports. Students evaluate individual and group tactics, skills and movement patterns and evaluate a range of programs and strategies designed to encourage participation in physical activity.

Students are also able to explain the importance of cooperation, leadership and fair play across a range of health and movement contexts. Students compare and contrast a range of actions that could be undertaken to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. They apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging movement situations. They apply criteria to make judgments about and refine their own specialised movement skills and movement performances. They also work collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement challenges.

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