VCE Visual Communications
This study enables students to:
Develop and apply drawing skills using a range of techniques.
Develop design thinking.
Develop a range of skills in selecting and applying media, materials, and manual and digital methods to support design processes.
Apply a design process to create visual communications.
Understanding how key design elements, design principles, media, materials and manual and digital methods contribute to the creation of their own visual language.
Develop capacity to undertake ongoing design thinking while conceiving, communicating and presenting ideas.
Understanding how historical, social, cultural, environmental and contemporary factors influence visual communications.
Prior Learning: There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3.
The study design is available as a Word document. Please click the link below to download.
Units 1 and 2: Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit is determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks.
Units 3 and 4:
School assessed Coursework (25%)
School assessed Task (40%)
End-of-year Examination (35%)
UNIT 1: Introduction to Visual Communication Design | UNIT 2: Applications of Visual Communication Design |
This unit focuses on using visual language to communicate messages, ideas and concepts. This involves acquiring and applying design thinking skills as well as drawing skills to make messages, ideas and concepts visible and tangible. Students practise their ability to draw what they observe and they use visualisation drawing methods to explore their own ideas and concepts. Students develop an understanding of the importance of presentation drawings to clearly communicate their final visual communications. | This unit focuses on the application of visual communication design knowledge, design thinking skills and drawing methods to create visual communications to meet specific purposes in designated design fields. Students use presentation drawing methods that incorporate the use of technical drawing conventions to communicate information and ideas associated with the environmental or industrial fields of design.
UNIT 3: Design thinking and practice | UNIT 4: Design development and presentation |
In this unit students gain an understanding of the process designers employ to structure their thinking and communicate ideas with clients, target audiences, other designers and specialists. Through practical investigation and analysis of existing visual communications, students gain insight into how the selection of methods, media, materials, and the application of design elements and design principles, can create effective visual communications for a specific audience and purpose.
| The focus of this unit is the development of design concepts and two final presentations of visual communications to meet the requirements of the brief. This involves applying the design process twice to meet each of the stated needs. Having completed their brief and generated ideas in Unit 3, students continue the design process by developing and refining concepts for each need stated in the brief. They utilise a range of digital and manual two- and three-dimensional methods, media and materials. They investigate how the application of design elements and design principles creates different communication messages with their target audience. |