VCE Physical Education
Physical Education examines the biological, social and cultural influences on performance and participation in physical activity. Theory and practice are integrated in this study, which is approached through both the study of and participation in physical activity.
The study design is available as a Word document. Please click the link below to download.
Units 1 and 2: Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit is determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks.
Units 3 and 4: School assessed Coursework (50%)
End-of-year Examination (50%)
UNIT 1: The human body in motion | UNIT 2: Physical activity, sport and society |
Students explore how the musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems work together to produce movement. Through practical activities students explore the relationships between the body systems and physical activity, sport and exercise, and how the systems adapt and adjust to the demands of the activity. They also investigate the impact of injuries and the role of permitted and prohibited practices to improve performance. | Students’ develop an understanding of physical activity, sport and society from a participatory perspective. Students are introduced to types of physical activity and the role participation in physical activity and sedentary behaviour plays in their own health and wellbeing as well as in other people’s lives in different population groups. By investigating a range of contemporary issues associated with physical activity, sport and exercise, students explore factors that affect access, inclusion, participation and performance. Students develop an understanding of the historical and current perspectives on the issue and consider the future implications on participation and performance. |
UNIT 3: Movement skills and energy for physical activity | UNIT 4: Training to improve performance |
This unit introduces students to the biomechanical and skill acquisition principles used to analyse human movement skills and energy production from a physiological perspective. Students use a variety of tools and techniques to analyse movement skills and apply biomechanical and skill acquisition principles to improve and refine movement in physical activity, sport and exercise. Students consider the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems and the roles of each in supplying oxygen and energy to the working muscles. They investigate the characteristics and interplay of the 3 energy systems for performance during physical activity, sport and exercise. Students explore the causes of fatigue and consider different strategies used to postpone fatigue and promote recovery. | In this unit students analyse movement skills from a physiological, psychological and sociocultural perspective, and apply relevant training principles and methods to improve performance within physical activity at an individual, club and elite level. Improvements in performance, in particular fitness, depend on the ability of the individual and/or coach to gain, apply and evaluate knowledge and understanding of training. Students assess fitness and use collected data to justify the selection of fitness tests based on the physiological requirements of an activity, including muscles used, energy systems and fitness components. |