VCE Media Studies
In VCE Media Studies, students examine the media in both historical and contemporary contexts while developing skills in media design and production across various forms. The study fosters critical analysis of media concepts, forms, and products, enabling students to engage thoughtfully with debates about the media’s role in shaping and influencing society. These analytical and creative aspects are integrated through the individual design and production of media representations, narratives, and products. This course also offers pathways to further theoretical and practical study in tertiary education or vocational settings, preparing students for careers in fields such as screen and media, marketing and advertising, games and interactive media, communication and writing, graphic and communication design, photography, and animation.
Prior Learning: No prerequisites for Unit 1, 2 and 3; but students must undertake Unit 3 prior to Unit 4.
Units 1 and 2: Individual school decision on levels of achievement.
Units 3 and 4:
School assessed coursework (20%)
School Assessed Task (40%)
End-of-year Examination (40%)
UNIT 1 | UNIT 2 |
UNIT 3: Media narratives and pre-production | UNIT 4: Media production and issues in the media |
Students consider the use of media codes and conventions to structure meaning, and how this construction is influenced by the social, cultural, ideological and institutional contexts of production, distribution, consumption and reception. Students use the pre-production stage of the media production process to design the production of a media product for a specified audience. | In this unit students focus on the production and post-production stages of the media production process, bringing the media production design created in Unit 3 to its realisation. They refine their media production in response to feedback and through personal reflection, documenting the iterations of their production as they work towards completion.