VCE Music Performance
This study aims to develop the intellectual, aesthetic and cultural understanding of the value and importance of music. Students work as soloists and members of a group in preparing programmes for performance. In performance students will research, experiment with and apply performance conventions (historical and contemporary) and personal interpretation to present works in a wide range of styles and characteristics. These enable students to develop skills in: solo OR group work; prepared and unprepared performances; aural perception and comprehension; the organisation of sound; performing a programme of selected works; and understanding the language of music and performance techniques.
In Unit 3 and 4 students choose to participate in either solo or group.
VCAA Music Performance Study Design:
Units 1 and 2: Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit is determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks.
Unit 3: School assessed coursework (20%)
Unit 4: School assessed coursework (10%)
End-of-year performance exam (50%)
End-of-year aural and written exam (20%)
UNIT 1 | UNIT 2 |
The focus is on achieving flexibility in music performance. The outcomes relate to music language and craft and through these, students develop skills in aural perception, notation and structure of music language. | Continues to develop performance skills and focuses on analysis of music. Students develop further skills and knowledge of music language and aural perception. Students also complete work in composition, arranging or improvising. |
Students choose any instrument/s to present a performance of music in a range of styles. This includes developing arrangements, rehearsal strategies and understanding how the acoustics of performance venues can influence performances. Students also further develop their knowledge of structure and sound of music language and skills in aural analysis of the characteristics of arrangements | Solo performance - the focus is on the preparation and presentation of performances demonstrating an understanding of interpretation. Aural comprehension skills and understanding of characteristics of works are also developed. |