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VCE Art Making and Exhibiting


Throughout VCE Art Making and Exhibiting, students develop an understanding of the curation, presentation, and conservation and care of artworks. They curate and present their own and others’ artworks for display. Students also demonstrate their knowledge of specific exhibitions and how these have influenced their ideas and understanding of the practice’s artists use to make artworks and how artworks are displayed for exhibition in galleries, museums, other exhibition spaces and site-specific spaces. It equips students with the knowledge and skills to pursue an art studio practice and follow tertiary and industry pathways in fine art, research and education. The study also offers students opportunities for personal development and encourages them to make an ongoing contribution to society and the culture of their community through lifelong participation in the making and viewing of artworks. 

Prior Learning: No prerequisites for Units 1, 2 and 3; but students must undertake Unit 3 prior to Unit 4.

The study design is available as a Word document. Please click the link below to download.


Units 1 and 2:  Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit is determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks. 

Unit 3: School assessed coursework (5%)

Unit 4: School assessed coursework (5%)

Units 3 and 4: School Assessed Task (60%)

End-of-year Examination: (30%)

UNIT 1: Explore, Expand & Investigate  

UNIT 2:  Understand, Develop and Resolve  

Investigate the artworks of Australian artists from different contexts,

  • Explore the different ways artists use materials, techniques and processes in their art making.   

  • Experiment with materials to stimulate ideas and  

    develop new ways of thinking   

Students respond to a set theme & progressively develop their own ideas. Students learn how to develop their ideas using materials, techniques and processes, and art elements and art principles. Students begin to understand how exhibitions are planned and designed and how spaces are organised for exhibitions. They also investigate the roles associated with the planning of exhibitions and how artworks are selected and displayed in specific spaces. The planning and development of at least one finished artwork are documented in their Visual Arts journal.  

UNIT 3:  Collect, Extend and Connect  

UNIT 4:  Consolidate, present and conserve  

Students are actively engaged in art making using materials, techniques and processes. In order to receive constructive feedback on the progress of their art making, and to develop and extend their ideas, students present a critique of their artworks to their peer group.   

Students make connections to the artworks they have made in Unit 3, consolidating and extending their ideas and art making to further refine and resolve artworks in specific art forms. They articulate the development of subject matter, ideas, visual language, their choice of materials, their understanding of the inherent characteristics and properties of the material, their use of techniques and processes, and aesthetic qualities.  

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