VCE History: Modern
History is the practice of understanding and making meaning of the past. Students develop an understanding of present situations by examining a variety of Twentieth century societies, events, people and ideas. The study develops students’ analytical and critical thinking skills by evaluating the accuracy and significance of visual and written documents; dealing with key historical concepts such as cause and effect and continuity and change; as well as identifying and evaluating varying historical interpretations of the past.
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Units 1 and 2: Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit is determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks.
Units 3 and 4: School assessed coursework (50%)
End-of-year Examination (50%)
UNIT 1: Twentieth-Century History (1918-1939) | UNIT 2: Twentieth-Century History (1945-2000) |
This unit explores the major political, economic, social and cultural changes that characterised the rise and consolidation of Nazism in Germany during this period. It also examines how German society responded to these changes and how ideology and conflict shaped social and cultural change during this era. | This unit investigates major themes and principal events of post-World War II history focusing, firstly, on the competing ideologies during the Cold War and its global impact and, secondly, other political and social issues that have shaped the second half of the twentieth century. |
UNIT 3: Revolutions – Russia (1896-1927) | UNIT 4: Revolutions – China (1912-1971) |
This unit focuses on Czarist Russia and how the role of revolutionary ideas, movements and leaders contributed to its collapse. It also investigates and evaluates the factors that led to the establishment and consolidation of the Soviet Union and the characteristics of the new society created by this revolution. | This unit focuses on revolutionary change in China. The role of revolutionary ideas, movements and leaders are examined. It also investigates and evaluates the consolidation of the revolution and creation of a new society. |