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VCE Applied Computing: Data Analysis/Software Development


This study enables students to apply skills, techniques, processes and a methodology to create digital solutions that meet a range of needs and conditions. VCE Applied Computing provides a pathway to further studies in areas such as business analysis, computer science, cybersecurity, data analytics and data science, data management, games development, ICT, networks, robotics, software engineering and telecommunications, and other careers relating to digital technologies.


Units 1 and 2:  Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit is determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks. 

Units 3 and 4: Two  School assessed Coursework (10% each) and School assessed Task (30%)

End-of-year Examination (50%)

UNIT 1: APPLIED COMPUTING  Area of Study: Data Analytics and Programming


Area of Study: Innovative Solutions and Network Security 

In Area of Study 1, students are introduced to the concept of “big data”. Students collect raw data from a range of sources. They learn techniques to extract useful information from this data, create their own summary table, use spreadsheet features to convert this into meaningful information and visualise data to communicate Data visualisations could include charts, graphs, histograms, maps, network diagrams and spatial relationships diagrams. They are introduced to python library to create interactive visualisation of their data.


In Area of Study 2, students are introduced to programming. They apply the problem-solving stages of design, development and evaluation to develop the solution. They learn Python and Visual Basic languages.

In Area of Study 1, students work collaboratively and select a topic for further study to create an innovative solution in an area of interest. The innovative solution can be presented as a proof of concept, a prototype or a product.


In Area of Study 2, examine the hardware and software components and procedures required to connect and maintain wired, wireless and mobile communications technology. They apply this knowledge to design a Local Area Network (LAN), describe its components and explain the transmission of data and information in this network. Students develop an understanding of cybersecurity issues when they investigate the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to data and information stored within and transmitted across networks, and propose strategies for reducing security risks.




Students develop data visualization skills & techniques required to collect, manipulate and present their data using software such as database, spreadsheet and data visualization tools. They use this knowledge to propose a research question and develop a design for creating infographics or dynamic data visualisation.

In second part of their school assessed task (SAT), students create an Infographics or dynamic data visualisations that address their research topic and to communicate findings intended for a target audience.




Student develop range of programming skills and techniques required to design and develop software solutions. In the first part of their school assessed task (SAT), they identify a need or opportunity, analyse the requirements and develop workable design for creating a software solution.

In second part of their school assessed task (SAT), students apply programming skills to develop a workable software solution that meets requirements.

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