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IB Theatre Arts

There are no prerequisites for entry into this study area, however a ‘Drama’ elective prior to the Diploma level will help prepare the student for the requirements of the study.


The IB Theatre (Diploma Programme) is a practical subject that results in the development of both theatre and life skills; the building of confidence, creativity and working collaboratively. It is a multifaceted theatre-making course of study. It gives students the opportunity to make theatre as creators, designers, directors and performers. It emphasizes the importance of working both individually and collaboratively as part of an ensemble. It offers the opportunity to engage actively in the creative process, transforming ideas into action as inquisitive and productive artists. Through the study of theatre, students become aware of their own personal and cultural perspectives, developing an appreciation of the diversity of theatre practices, their process and modes of presentation. It enables students to discover and engage with different forms of theatre across time, place and culture and promotes international-mindedness.


Theatre in context

Theatre processes

Presenting theatre

Working with play texts

Research and examine the various contexts of at least one published play text and reflect on live theatre moments they have experienced as spectators

Take part in the practical exploration of at least two contrasting published play texts and engage with the process of transforming a play text into action.

Direct at least one scene or section from one published play text which is presented to others.

Examining world theatre traditions

Research and examine the various contexts of at least one world theatre tradition

Practically examine the performance conventions of at least one world theatre tradition and apply this to the staging of a moment of theatre.

Present a moment of theatre to others which demonstrates the performance convention(s) of at least one world theatre tradition.

Collaboratively creating original theatre

Students reflect on their own personal approaches, interests and skills in theatre. They research and examine at least one starting point and the approaches employed by one appropriate professional theatre company, and consider how this might influence their own personal approaches.

Respond to at least one starting point and engage with the process of transforming it collaboratively into an original piece of theatre.

Participate in at least one production of a collaboratively created piece of original theatre, created from a starting point, which is presented to others.

Theatre journal

Students keep a theatre journal throughout the two-year theatre course which charts their development and their experiences of theatre as a creator, designer, director, performer and spectator.


Standard Level:

Internal Assessment: (35%) Collaborative Project: (35%) Students collaboratively create and present an original piece of theatre (lasting 13-15 minutes) for and to a specified target audience, created from a starting point of their choice. 

External Assessment: (65%) Director’s Notebook: (35%) Students choose a published play text they have not previously studied and develop ideas regarding how it could be staged for an audience.  Research Presentation: (30%) Students plan and deliver an individual presentation (15 mins max) to their peers in which they outline and physically demonstrate their research into a convention of a theatre tradition they have not previously studied.

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