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Year 10 Subject Selection

This handbook outlines the unit information for all subjects offered at Year 10.

There are two types:

  • Compulsory (core) subjects

  • Electives


In Year 10 the following units are core subjects for all students.

  • English (Mainstream, Applied English or IB Link) or EAL (English as an Additional Language)

  • Mathematics (High, Mainstream, Mainstream Advantage)

  • Humanities (Geosocial Systems and Societies)

  • Health and Physical Education

  • Science


Are permitted to apply for ONE VCE subject, which will align with elective choices.

Are permitted to apply for ONE VCE subject, which will align with elective choices.


As well as the core units, students participate in two electives per semester selected from six preferences made during subject selection. The time allocation for electives is five periods per week per elective. Each elective subject is studied for ONE semester only.

Students selecting Language, Music or Applied Digital Technologies must undertake the study for two semesters. Students choosing a Language, Music or Applied Digital Technologies must have achieved a pass in these subjects in Year 9.

Students applying for VCE early commencement must undertake the study for both semesters. They must have applied via the form provided by Middle School. This form must be filled out by the students, approved by parent(s)/guardian(s), and authorised by the appropriate staff member and handed to Middle School team for final approval. SELP students who don’t choose a VCE early commencement in Science must choose at least one Science elective.


Student may select ANY combination of units, subject to the stipulations above. Student selections will determine which studies actually operate. Students will choose preferences and reserves to enable staff to best fit their chosen electives in their timetable. This is not always possible and may require further consultation. Students may be required to make alterations to their preliminary selections. If you have any further enquiries relating to the selection process, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Middle School Team.


Students choose subjects that are prerequisites for university study, that they are good at and that they enjoy. Student choice and available resources decide which subjects run. Places in classes for year 11 are decided using year 10 academic results.

Year 10 Subjects

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